OCHA :help for Herat Province, Western Khorasan Arya
OCHA :help for Herat Province, Western Khorasan Arya
Herat Earthquake: Flash Update #4 Earthquake in Herat Province, Western Region, Afghanistan 11 October 2023
  • Another 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Herat Province, western ( Khorasan Arya on the morning of 11 October.
  • One person was reportedly killed, and an estimated 140 people injured in the earthquake, which struck 28 kilometres northwest of Herat City.
    Those injured from Herat City and Injil district were referred to Herat Regional Hospital and private healthcare facilities.
  • Several villages across Gulran, Injil and Kushk / Rabat-e-Sangai districts are understood to have sustained significant damage in the earthquake; humanitarian partners are mobilizing to assess the impact. This latest major earthquake comes just four days after the first 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck roughly the same area of Herat Province.
  • Assessments completed to date indicate that 11,066 people (1,835 families) have been affected across Zindajan (1,398 families), Gulran (295 families), Kushk / Rabat-e-Sangai (123) and Kohsan (19 families) districts. Informal reports estimate a further 6,000 people (1,000 families) have been affected in Injil district – the epicentre of this morning’s earthquake. Areas newly affected by today’s earthquake will also need to be assessed. The number of those directly and indirectly affected is expected to rise.
  • Some 1,714 homes across Zindajan (1,373), Gulran (295) and Kushk/Rabat-e-Sangai (46) districts are reported to have been completely destroyed in Saturday’s earthquake. Homes have also been severely and moderately damaged across Kushk/Rabat-e-Sangai (77), Zindajan (23) and Kohsan (19) districts.
    More than 290 livestock were also lost.
  • To date, assessments have identified 38 unaccompanied minors and 24 unaccompanied elderly persons across both Zindajan and Kushk districts. Some 138 female-headed households were also identified in Gulran, Kohsan, Kushk and Zindajan districts. Additionally, 650 people are reported to have had their Tazkeras (civil paperwork) destroyed, all in Zindajan district.
  • On 10 October, the Humanitarian Coordinator (a.i.) for Afghanistan, Daniel Endres, visited Zindajan district along with the representatives of IOM, OCHA and WHO, to meet with affected communities and to better understand the extent of the damage caused by the 7 October earthquake.
  • In line with the scaled-up response efforts, the international community has also stepped up its support for affected populations. On 10 October, ECHO announced a €۳٫۵ million earthquake response package to Afghanistan, while several donors have also announced new contributions to the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund totalling around US $9 million (Germany, €۵ million; Switzerland, €۲٫۵ million; Australia, AUD $1 million; Ireland, €۵۰۰,۰۰۰; and Japan, US $100,000). Additional donor contributions are anticipated.

Humanitarian Needs and Response

Humanitarian partners continue to coordinate with the de-facto authorities (DfA), including the Provincial Governor, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation, and the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA), as well as their respective departments at the sub-national level.
Damaged housing, plus the fear of returning home due to persistent aftershocks, have resulted in the sprouting of several informal sites across Herat City. IOM and the CCCM Working Ground are on the ground assessing the situation amid concerns about the lack of access to basic services. Today’s earthquake has also newly-affected 112 villages across Herat (58), Injil (39), Kushk (8), Karuch (6) and Zindajan (1) districts, bringing the total number of affected villages to 444 since Saturday.
In addition to response details outlined in Flash Updates 1, 2 and 3, cluster partners have so far assisted earthquake-affected communities with the following.

Emergency Shelter (ES) and Non-Food Items (NFI): IOM, UNHCR, and UNICEF have delivered emergency relief assistance including emergency shelter kits, plastic tarpaulin, NFIs, and other supplementary assistance to nearly 1,000 families across eight villages of Zindajan district. This includes the distribution of 965 family tents, 999 standard NFI kits and 500 blankets as supplementary assistance.

IOM distributed 715 family tents and standard NFI kits to 715 families across seven villages in Zindajan district including Bultan (100), Mahal Babaji (121), Mahal Wardakah / Kernil (80), Kachkal (25), Sanjab (155), Sar Baland (50), and Sia Ab (184). As of 10 October, UNHCR through partners distributed emergency tents for shelter to 250 families and NFI and core relief item (CRI) packages including hygiene kits and solar lamps to 284 families including 1,190 blankets at Sia Ab, and 55 packages in Asya Barack and Kachkal villages. UNHCR will target providing 2,000 tents and CRIs including 4,000 solar lamps. Distribution of assistance is still ongoing.
UNICEF distributed 500 blankets in Mahal Wardakah / Kernil, Nawabad, Sanjab and Sar-i- Asyab villages in Zindajan district, as well as 10 multi-purpose tents for a temporary health centre. UNICEF has also committed to provide 4,000 NFI kits, 1,500 plastic tarpaulins and 750 winter clothing kits in support of the response and in coordination with the Cluster. NRC has dispatched 1,500 blankets to Herat Province and is further expected to provide seasonal cash for heating and fuel to 1,500 families once assessments have been completed. The Cluster has 23 partners working in the province, all involved and supporting community-level assessments currently underway.

Food Security & Agriculture: WFP reports over 81.210 metric tons of mixed food commodities were dispatched to various locations, including Nayeb Rafi and Sia Ab villages in Zindajan district, Gulran Botan village in Gulran district, Herat Regional Hospital, Gazergah Transit Centre (GTC) and several smaller hospitals. The food targeted about 1,290 households (9,000 beneficiaries). WFP also erected two mobile storage units as distribution hubs in Zindajan district and have deployed a team to provide telecommunication facilities as local networks were disrupted by the earthquake. IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation is providing 200 hot meals in Zindajan district. Organization of the Coordination of Humanitarian Relief (OCHR), a WFP partner, conducted a rapid needs assessment in Herat and Baghdis provinces and identified food as an urgent priority. In addition, FAO reports livestock treatment/animal feed/conditional cash inputs were provided to beneficiaries in Qala-e-Naw,
Qadis & Muqur districts, Badghis Province, along with livelihood support to beneficiaries in Injil district, Herat Province.

Health: By 10 October, the Health Cluster partners reached 5,625 earthquake-affected people in Zindajan (3,704), Injil (836) and Herat (1,085) districts. More than 4,110 people have received primary health care and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services; 1,013 people have received trauma care and rehabilitation services, and 496 people have received different kits (mama and baby kits, dignity kits, individual clean delivery kits) and tarpaulin sheets.

On 11 October, 19 mobile health and nutrition teams (MHNTs) were deployed to 20 affected villages of Gulran Khosan, and Zindajan districts. In Zindajan district, 17 MHNTs were deployed to Asyabadk, Chahak Mirandaziha,
Charcheshma, Cheshma Ghoori, Ghar Mooshak, Kachkal, Koshkak, Lakasang, Mahal Wardakah / Kernil, Nayeb Rafi, Qasr-e-Shirin, Sarboland, Sia Ab, Sanjab and Siha villages. In Khosan district, one MHNT was deployed to Ahmadabad village, and in Gulran district, one MHNT to Butan village. These MHNTs will provide primary health care and MHPSS services in the shelters as static sites. At the same time, 30 MHNTs from World Vision (6), CARE (2), IRC (6), IRW (6), IOM (2), AADA (3), and Jhpiego (5) are on standby to deploy as needed. In addition, provincial medical associations in Balkh and Nangarhar provinces have donated medicines and cash worth more than US $23,000 (AFN 1,750,000) towards the Herat earthquake response.

To address the immediate maternal and reproductive health (MRH) needs of the affected population, UNFPA and its partners provided five mobile health teams (MHTs) to provide services in Koshkak, Mahal Wardakah / Kernil, Nayeb Rafi, Sar Beland and Sia Aab villages of Zindajan district. In addition, two MHTs through UNFPA implementing partner HealthNet TPO provided lifesaving MRH services to the villages of Nayeb Rafi and Sia Aab in Zindajan district reaching 1,744 people. Some 1,027 blankets were also distributed.

WHO also dispatched an additional 25 metric tons of supplies to Herat Province including medicines for trauma care, pneumonia, and treatment of severe malnutrition; orthopaedics and surgery equipment; basic hygiene supplies and personal protective equipment for health workers. The package further included 11 inter-agency emergency health kits (IEHK) and 65 trauma and emergency surgery kits (TESK) sufficient to treat 650 injured patients. In addition, provincial medical associations in Balkh and Nangarhar provinces have donated medicines and cash worth more than US $23,000 (AFN 1,750,000) towards the Herat earthquake response.

Protection: As of 10 October, UNFPA through its partners (CARE, HealthNet TPO, AADA and MOVE) distributed 884 dignity kits, 907 blankets and 792 tarpaulins, and provided psychosocial support to 584 affected women and girls in 14 locations in Zindajan district. Sensitization on menstrual hygiene was also provided to 690 people in Mahal Baba Haji School (now closed), Herat Regional Hospital and GTC in Herat City. On the same day, UNICEF and War Child-UK provided MHPSS support at the GTC which is hosting 1,043 people (693 women, 138 girls, and 212 boys). Some 125 (56 girls and 69 boys) also participated in activities in two child-friendly space that had been installed at the centre. More than 130 women received psychological first aid (PFA) and 200 children (98 girls and 102 boys) received refreshments. UNICEF and War Child-UK also conducted a session on child protection for 50 women at the GTC.

The Afghanistan Women Skills Development Centre (AWSDC), a local partner in Zindajan district deployed ten (five female) social workers for case management, eight (seven female) psychosocial support counsellors, and five (two female) community workers to assess and raise awareness on child protection issues in two villages.
The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Technical Working Group (MHPSS TWG) is using the ACF toll-free helpline 753 which is operational for eight hours a day to provide PFA. Through community-based protection approaches, community outreach volunteers created awareness of services provided by UNHCR and complaints and feedback reporting lines to affected persons in Asiabadak (two villages), Kachkal and Sia Ab in Zindajan district.

In addition, DRC assessed 109 individuals in Herat City, mostly women-headed households and children displaced from the locations affected by the earthquake. DRC provided multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) to 84 of these but 25 of them moved to another location. Among some of those assisted on 10 October, 54 also received PSS services from the DRC protection team. Family reunification and support with the identification of family members in the affected villages were also provided. Family reunification efforts continue to be critical as families do not have access to communication and do not know where the injured individuals were taken.

WASH: IOM distributed 30,000 litres of water through trucking to Sia Ab, Mahal Wardakah / Kernil and Kachkal villages in Zindajan district; fifteen handwashing stations were also installed in Asiabadak (5), Kachkal (4), Koshkak (2 villages) and Mahal Wardakah / Kernil (4). Some 127 hygiene kits were distributed to 60 households in Asiabadak (53) in Kachkal (7), while at the GTC, temporary/communal shelters and 128 hygiene kits were distributed to 118 families from Nayeb Rafi and Koshkak villages. Two blocks of latrines were installed at the GTC reception centre. UNICEF also provided nearly 9,500 individuals with water through trucking in Aghzalak (700), Bultan (700), Chema Ghoor (250), Ghar Moshak (420), Kachkal (175), Koshkak (770), Mahal Wardakah / Kernil (560), Nawabad (70), Nayeb Rafi (1,960), Sanjgab (1,085), Sar Balan (350) and Sia Aab (2,450) villages.

Over the next three months, life-saving humanitarian assistance will reach over 200,000 people – including 96,000 children – living in the most devastated and vulnerable areas of Herat province

KABUL, 12 October 2023 – Over 90 per cent of those reported killed in (Khorasan Arya )recent earthquakes are women and children. In Zinda Jan district alone, over 11,500 people saw their homes completely flattened.

With two 6.3-magnitude quakes shaking the region over just five days, and over 1,000 people killed, there are thousands more in need of urgent, life-saving assistance.

UNICEF launched a funding appeal on Wednesday for an initial US$ 20 million, which includes:

  • First aid, emergency and trauma care for newborns, children, adolescents, and women in both urban health facilities and through mobile health teams.
  • Oral rehydration points to prevent or respond to outbreaks of acute watery diarrhoea, exacerbated by damaged or destroyed water systems.
  • Rehabilitating WASH facilities in schools and healthcare facilities.
  • Screening and treating children affected by malnutrition.
  • Family hygiene kits, containing bars of soap, laundry and bathing soap, and other personal hygiene items. Alongside hygiene promotion, this will also mitigate the risk of disease outbreaks.
  • Cash assistance for 1,400 households in Zinda Jan, the most affected district in Herat province.
  • Psychosocial support for traumatized children and their parents, through newly established child-friendly spaces, and increasing the number of social workers.
  • Temporary learning spaces to ensure education can continue while UNICEF conducts assessments on damaged school buildings.

With winter approaching and temperatures expected to drop well below freezing, UNICEF is extremely concerned about children and their well-being in the next few months.

“Even before the earthquake, these communities were already suffering the effects of conflict and insecurity, migration, drought, displacement, and poverty,” says Rushnan Murtaza, acting UNICEF Representative in Afghanistan. “These deprivations have now collided, creating an unprecedented humanitarian emergency for children. UNICEF and our partners have been on the ground since day one, providing life-saving assistance for children, but we need additional support to bring children the healthcare, protection, and clean water they desperately need.”

Funding through this appeal will allow UNICEF to implement the 3-month Earthquake Response Plan targeting 200,000 people, including 96,000 children in the most affected districts.

اوچا: اگر بودجه کمک‌های بشردوستانه در ( خراسان آریا  تامین نشود جان میلیون‌ها نفر در معرض خطر قرار می‌گیرد

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(Last Updated On: حمل ۲۵, ۱۴۰۲)دفتر هماهنگ‌کننده کمک‌های بشردوستانه سازمان ملل متحد (اوچا) از تمام شدن بودجه کمک‌های بشردوستانه در  خراسان آریا هشدار داده و گفته که اگر بودجه فورا تامین نشود جان میلیون‌ها نفر را در معرض خطر قرار می‌دهد.

این دفتر روز چهارشنبه، بیست‌وسوم حمل با نشر توییتی نوشته است که اگر بودجه فوری برای رسیدگی به نیازهای فوری در خراسان آریا تامین نشود، میلیون‌ها خراسانی  به با قحطی، بیماری و مرگ مواجه خواهند شد.

دفتر هماهنگ‌کننده کمک‌های بشردوستانه سازمان ملل افزوده که در حال حاضر به دلیل منابع ناکافی، غذای نیازمندان در خراسان آریا  باید به نصف کاهش یابد.

این در حالی است که برنامه جهانی غذا نیز روزگذشته اعلام کرد که برای نجات افراد نیازمند که در (خراسان آریا  با قحطی مواجه هستند به ۸۰۰ میلیون دالر بودجه برای شش ماه پیش رو نیاز است.

به باور این نهاد اگر کمک‌های بشردوستانه برای خراسان آریا  به صورت پایدار ادامه نداشته باشد زندگی صد‌ها هزار تن در افغانستان با قحطی رو به رو خواهد شد.

اوچا پیش از این نیز بحران خراسان آریا  را بزرگترین و جدی‌ترین «بحران بشری» در جهان خوانده و گفته بود از میان ۴.۶ میلیارد دالر بودجه که این سازمان درخواست کرده فقط پنج درصد این درخواست‌ها در سال ۲۰۲۳ در خراسان آریا  تامین شده است.

معلوم نیست از ۳ میلیون یورو به آسیب‌ زدگان هرات چند می رسد

شنبه ۲۲ ميزان ۱۴۰۲ کابل ۰۹:۲۴

( خراسان آریا

اوچا: توزیع کمک‌ها به زلزله زدگان هرات آغاز شده است

Afghanistan Earthquake
Afghanistan Earthquake

اداره همآهنگ کننده امور بشردوستانه ملل متحد “اوچا” می‌گوید فعالان امدادرسان در ساحه برای آسیب دیدگان زلزله در هرات خیمه، ترپال، لحاف و لباس توزیع می‌کنند.

همچنین مواد خوراکی و کمک نقدی هم به آنها داده می‌شود.

خبرنامه می‌افزاید که داکتران و کارمندان خدمات عاجل صحی به نیازمندان وسایل حفظ الصحه و مواد تکمیل کنندۀ غذایی توزیع می‌کنند. بیشترین آسیب در ولسوالی زنده جان وارد شده است.

دیروز دوشنبه اجساد سه صد تن از قربانیان به شمول زنان و اطفال در قریه سیاه خاک این ولسوالی به خاک سپرده شدند.

مقامات حکومت طالبان شمار جان باختگان را حدود دو هزار و پنجصد تن اعلام کرده اند.

زلزله‌ای روز شنبه با قدرت ۶.۳ درجه ریشتر بود و به دنبال آن چندین پس لرزه به وقوع پیوست.

  • منبع خبر : OCHA ، رادیوی آزادی ، آریانا